Aurum Entrepreneurs Forum

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Aurum Entrepreneurs' Forum is a quarterly gathering of all the Aurum PropTech Founders as they stand committed to creating an Integrated PropTech Ecosystem. We hosted our 3rd AEF at Jio World Centre on 19th & 20th August 2022. The event was curated with a focus on “Scaling up, Together!” on Growth , Technology and Collaboration. The discussions were packed with ideation and setting action plans to create enhanced consumer experiences and improve operational efficiencies for enterprises. We witnessed how the power of collaboration could drive our ecosystem of PropTech businesses.
We also had the privilege to have Mr. D. Sivanandhan , highly regarded Former Mumbai Commissioner of Police & the co-author of bestseller book ‘Chanakya’s Seven Secrets of Leadership’ grace the Aurum Entrepreneurs' Forum as our guest speaker and enrich us with his thoughts on Leadership and Courage. That’s not all – we even celebrated our heroes for their commitment towards work and the company.